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Details and links for individual published papers are listed below.
1st and 2nd author papers
Wong I, Brown M E, Emery J P, et al. “JWST near-infrared spectroscopy of the Lucy Jupiter Trojan flyby targets: Evidence for OH absorption, aliphatic organics, and COâ‚‚”. PSJ 5 87 (2024). ADS link
Emery J P, Wong I, Stansberry J A, et al. “A tale of 3 dwarf planets: Compositions of Sedna, Gonggong, and Quaoar from JWST spectroscopy”. Icarus, 414 116017 (2024). ADS link
Grundy W M, Wong I, Glein C R, et al. "Measurement of D/H and ¹³C/¹²C ratios in methane ice on Eris and Makemake: Evidence for internal activity”. Icarus, 401 115923 (2024). ADS link
Wong I & Brown M E. "Photometric confirmation and characterization of the Ennomos collisional family in the Jupiter Trojans". AJ 165 15 (2023). ADS link
Wong I, Chachan Y, Knutson H A, et al. “The Hubble PanCET program: A featureless transmission spectrum for WASP-29b and evidence of enhanced atmospheric metallicity on WASP-80b”. AJ 164 30 (2022). ADS link
Wong I, Shporer A, Vissapragada S, et al. “TESS revisits WASP-12: Updated orbital decay rate and constraints on atmospheric variability”. AJ 163 175 (2022). ADS link
Wong I, Shporer A, Zhou G, et al. “TOI-2109: An ultrahot gas giant on a 16 hour orbit”. AJ 162 256 (2021). ADS link
Wong I, Kitzmann D, Shporer A, et al. “Visible-light phase curves from the second year of the TESS primary mission”. AJ 162 127 (2021). ADS link
Beatty T G, Wong I, Fetherolf T, et al. “The TESS phase curve of KELT-1b suggests a high dayside albedo”. AJ 160 211 (2020). ADS link
Wong I, Shporer A, Daylan T, et al. “Systematic phase curve study of known transiting exoplanet systems from Year 1 of the TESS Mission”. AJ 160 155 (2020). ADS link
Wong I, Shporer A, Kitzmann D, et al. “Exploring the atmospheric dynamics of the extreme ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9b using TESS photometry”. AJ 160 80 (2020). ADS link
Wong I, Benneke B, Gao P, et al. “Optical to near-infrared transmission spectrum of the warm sub-Saturn HAT-P-12b”. ApJ 159 234 (2020). ADS link
Wong I, Benneke B, Shporer A, et al. “TESS phase curve of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-19b”. AJ 159 104 (2020). ADS link
Wong I, Shporer A, Becker J C, et al. “The full Kepler phase curve of the eclipsing hot white dwarf binary system KOI-964” ApJ 159 29 (2020). ADS link
Benneke B, Wong I, Piaulet C, et al. “Water vapor and clouds on the habitable-zone sub-Neptune exoplanet K2-18b”. ApJL 887 L14 (2019). ADS link
Wong I, Mishra A, & Brown M E “Photometry of active Centaurs: Colors of dormant active Centaur nuclei” AJ 157 225 (2019). ADS link
Wong I & Brown M E. “Multiband observations of a Patroclus-Menoetius mutual event: Constraints on surface inhomogeneity”. AJ 157 203 (2019). ADS link
Shporer A, Wong I, Huang C X, et al. “TESS full orbital phase curve of the WASP-18b system” AJ 157 178 (2019). ADS link
Wong I, Brown M E, Blacksberg J, Ehlmann B L, & Mahjoub A. “Hubble ultraviolet spectroscopy of Jupiter Trojans”. AJ 157 161 (2019). ADS link
Wong I, Brown M E, & Emery J P. “0.7-2.5 μm spectra of Hilda asteroids”. AJ 154 104 (2017). ADS link
Wong I & Brown M E. “The bimodal color distribution of small Kuiper Belt objects”. AJ 153 145 (2017). ADS link
Wong I & Brown M E. “The color-magnitude distribution of Hilda asteroids: Comparison with Jupiter Trojans”. AJ 153 69 (2017). ADS link
Wong I & Brown M E. “A hypothesis for the color bimodality of Jupiter Trojans”. AJ 152 90 (2016). ADS link
Wong I, Knutson H A, Kataria T, et al. “3.6 and 4.5 μm Spitzer phase curves of the highly irradiated hot Jupiters WASP-19b and HAT-P-7b”. ApJ 823 122 (2016). ADS link
Wong I & Brown M E. “The color-magnitude distribution of small Jupiter Trojans”. AJ 150 174 (2015). ADS link
Wong I, Knutson H A, Lewis, N K, et al. “3.6 and 4.5 μm phase curves of the highly irradiated eccentric hot Jupiter WASP-14b”. ApJ 811 122 (2015). ADS link
Wong I, Brown M E, & Emery J P. "The differing magnitude distributions of the two Jupiter Trojan color populations". AJ 148 112 (2014). ADS link
Wong I, Knutson H A, Cowan N B, et al. “Constraints on the atmospheric circulation and variability of the eccentric hot Jupiter XO-3b”. ApJ 794 134 (2014). ADS link
Wong I, Grigoriu A, Roslund J, Ho T S, & Rabitz H. "Laser-driven direct quantum control of nuclear excitations". Phys. Rev. A 84 053429 (2011). ADS link
Selected co-author papers
Glein C R, Grundy W M, Lunine J I, et al. “Moderate D/H ratios in methane ice on Eris and Makemake as evidence of hydrothermal or metamorphic processes in their interiors: Geochemical analysis”. Icarus 412 115999 (2024). ADS link
Rivkin A S, Thomas C A, Wong I, et al. “Near to mid-infrared spectroscopy of (65803) Didymos as observed by JWST: Characterization observations supporting the Double Asteroid Redirection Test”. PSJ 4 214 (2023). ADS link
Coulombe L-P, Benneke B, Challener R, et al. “A broadband thermal emission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-18b”. Nature 620 292 (2023). ADS link
Piaulet C, Benneke B, Almenara J M, et al. “Evidence for the volatile-rich composition of a 1.5-Earth-radius planet”. Nature Astronomy 7 206 (2023). ADS link
Marschall R, Nesvorný D, Deienno R, et al. "Implications for the collisional strength of Jupiter Trojans fro the Eurybates family". AJ 164 167 (2022). ADS link
Niraula P, Shporer A, Wong I, & de Wit J. "Revisiting Kepler transiting systems: Unvetting planets and constraining relationships among harmonics in phase curves”. AJ 163 172 (2022). ADS link
Addison B C, Knudstrup E, Wong I, et al. “TOI-1431b/MASCARA-5b: A highly irradiated ultra-hot Jupiter orbiting one of the hottest & brightest known exoplanet host stars”. AJ 162 292 (2021). ADS link
Cabot S H C, Bello-Arufe A, Mendoça J M, et al. “TOI-1518b: A misaligned ultra-hot Jupiter with iron in its atmosphere”. AJ 162 218 (2021). ADS link
Levison H F, Olkin C B, Noll, K S, et al. “Lucy Mission to the Trojan asteroids: Science goals”. PSJ 2 171 (2021). ADS link
Guerrero N M, Seager S, Huang C X, et al. “The TESS Objects of Interest catalog from the TESS Prime Mission”. ApJS 254 39 (2021). ADS link
Daylan T, Günther M N, Mikal-Evans T, et al. “TESS observations of the WASP-121b phase curve”. AJ 161 131 (2021). ADS link
Crossfield I J M, Dragomir D, Cowan N B, et al. “Phase curves of hot Neptune LTT 9779b suggest a high-metallicity atmosphere with nonzero albedo”. ApJL 903 L7 (2020). ADS link
Dragomir D, Crossfield I J M, Benneke B, et al. “Spitzer reveals evidence of molecular absorption in the atmosphere of the hot Neptune LT9779b”. ApJL 903 L6 (2020). ADS link
Chachan Y, Jontof-Hutter D, Knutson H A, et al. "A featureless infrared transmission spectrum for the super-puff planet Kepler-79d". AJ 160 201 (2020). ADS link
Teske J, Días M R, Luque R, et al. "TESS reveals a short-period sub-Neptune sibling (HD 86226c) to a known long-period giant planet". AJ 160 96 (2020). ADS link
Huang C X, Quinn S N, Vanderburg A, et al. “TESS spots a hot Jupiter with an inner transiting Neptune”. ApJL 892 L7 (2020). ADS link
Mansfield M, Bean J L, Stevenson K B, et al. “Evidence for H2 dissociation and recombination heat transport in the atmosphere of KELT-9b”. ApJL 888 L15 (2020). ADS link
Chachan Y, Knutson H A, Gao P, et al. “A Hubble PanCET study of HAT-P-11b: A cloudy Neptune with a low atmospheric metallicity” AJ 158 244 (2019). ADS link
Zhou G, Huang C X, Bakos G Á, et al. “Two new HATNet hot Jupiters around A stars, and the first glimpse at the occurrence rate of hot Jupiters from TESS” AJ 158 141 (2019). ADS link
Benneke B, Knutson H A, Lothringer J, et al. “A Sub-Neptune atmosphere with solar water abundance, strong methane depletion, and Mie-scattering aerosols”. Nature Astronomy 3 813 (2019). ADS link
Rodriguez J E, Quinn S N, Huang C X, et al. “An eccentric massive Jupiter orbiting a sub-giant on a 9.5 day period discovered in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Full Frame Images”. ApJ 157 191 (2019). ADS link
Poston M J, Mahjoub A, Ehlmann B L, et al. “Visible near-infrared spectral evolution of irradiated mixed ices and application to Kuiper Belt objects and Jupiter Trojans”. ApJ 856 124 (2018). ADS link
Ingalls J G, Krick J E, Carey S J, et al. “Repeatability and accuracy of exoplanet eclipse depths measured with post-cryogenic Spitzer”. AJ 152 44 (2016). ADS link
Krick J E, Ingalls J, Carey S, et al. “Spitzer IRAC sparsely sampled phase curve of the exoplanet WASP-14b”. ApJ 824 27 (2016). ADS link
Beichman, C, Livingston, J, Werner W, et al. “Spitzer observations of exoplanets discovered with the Kepler K2 mission”. ApJ 822 39 (2016). ADS link
Buhler, P B, Knutson H A, Batygin, K, et al. “Dynamical constraints on the core mass of hot Jupiter HAT-P-13b”. ApJ 821 26 (2016). ADS link